Nicanor Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery business logo picture

Nicanor Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Reviewer profile
Dr. Heng is very nice, patient and professional. The price is very reasonable and the results are very satisfactory. The staffs are very friendly and helpful. The environment is really stress free and you will not have any feeling of scared during the entire process.
Reviewer profile

Hi! I'm Dr Heng Kien Seng's patient. I visit the clinic to have my keloid scars treated. Dr Heng is honest, humble, gentle and compassionate. Being his patient gives me a strong sense of assurance that he'll have my best interest at heart.

Nicanor is well-furnished. The staff are polite and professional too. They greet the patients with a smile which makes your day.

Dr Heng and his wife are kind and friendly. Nicanor's logo (美) is a genuine representation of its beauty. I'd highly recommend Nicanor Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery services.

Yours sincerely,

Ms W
