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Klinik Pakar Kulit Md Noh

Reviewer profile

I thought i had skin problems, my face cover with pimples & allergies,So i went see dr md noh, when he saw me , he ask me he need to see my hand, i feel weird , then he told me, his not worried abt my pimples, he worried i might had other bigger prob, he ask me to see specialist and do MRI & CT scan, I followed his advice, not knowing i had a serious problem, I had brain tumour & my tumour need to be remove immediately , i saw so many dr B4, none of them advise me or notice I might have other illnesses, I guess I should give him credit coz he not only a skin specialist and just to see skin he also care about his patients. That much I can tell about this dr. Who ever ask fr skin specialist , I would recommend him.

I had my brain surgery done 2012 & I’m very lucky, very healthy & grateful . Tq

Reviewer profile
Sabtu tu bella pergi check kulit ..doktor check kaw2 le..Punca dia rupanya aku alahan besi..pin tudung penyebab dia sebernanya..oh tidak! aku yg tak amik tau sebelum ni gatal pon sapu ubat rupanya diri ni tak dapat terima dan mulalah naik sampai ke muka...alhamdulillah lepas makan ubat,sapu krim,pembersih muka dari doktor kulit aku sihat balik..dan hilang tompok merah tu!