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Dr. Wong Teck Wee

Reviewer profile
NHAM is the history of the growth and development of cardiology as a specialty in the country. Dr. Wong Teck Wee is a Member of the National Heart Association of Malaysia (NHAM). NHAM has also contributed to teaching and training in cardiology.
Reviewer profile
心脏专科黄德威医生表示,心血管栓塞症有两种治疗方法::其一,即"通波仔血管扩张手术"(简称"PCI",俗称"通波仔");其二则是"心脏冠状动脉绕道手术"(俗称"搭桥")。当中,若糖尿病人患上了血管栓塞症,使用"PCI治疗法"较能取得超卓疗效。黄德威医生将针对患上心脏动脉栓塞的糖尿病患者,讨论"PCI治疗法"。"PCI治疗法是一种非常普遍的治疗法,其中,使用的'包药支架'能降低血管重新栓塞。这种疗法的医学名词是'冠状动脉介入治疗'(Percutaneous Coronar Intervention),故常简称为PCI治疗法,抑或PCI手术。"