Dr. Siti Esah Bahari


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Ok la

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Dr siti esah is very friendly and calm. She will explain any of questions in details. During labor she will guide calmly how to deliver in the right way. Mother will less worry and confident with her. She strongly support normal delivery and breastfeeding. She is my gynae for my two daughters and will be my favourite ong dr for my next pregnancy

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She is my guidance for all of my baby... And yes she really really calms when deliver suspend situation... As I have history of my abnormal baby and she have deliver the msg clear and calms... And currently I'm seeing her for my 3rd pregnancy. May Allah bless you Dr. Siti ☺️

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Suka sangat dengan dr. Siti . Soft spoken and sgt tenang. Tak banyak cakap tp kita boleh tanya byk soalan dan dia akan layan. Gynae for my both daughter.

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I have seen Dr Siti in the past for the delivery of my third child and now i am currently seeing her for my fourth pregnancy. As a doctor myself, what I think is most impt to look for in an obstetrician for me is someone who has the skills to pick up potential problems in pregnancy and labour, and can address them appropriately, and remains calm in tense or critical situations, and Dr siti esah fulfils this. I'm not particularly bothered if the doctor is extremely warm and friendly provided they are good medically, but she is pleasant in nature which is a plus point.

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I just had to call to set for an appointment with Dr Siti Esah few days before (apparently their online appointment booking doesn't work well) and we got our turn on Saturday 9.30-12.30. It wasn't a long wait at the hospital either which is sort of expected at a private hospital isn't it? :) Just the normal check up procedure, saya dipanggil untuk menimbang berat dan sejurusnya melakukan urine test. Selesai sahaja urine test, number terus dipanggil untuk berjumpa dengan Dr. Siti. It was a normal check up really, sebelum berjumpa tu rasa nak tanya macam-macam..about gentle birthing..DCC..birth plan etc. My mother was right, Dr Siti Esah memang lembut sekali orangnya. Saya pun rasa selamat dan selamba saja terus lupa nak tanya. hihihi. Few days ago, I already did my glucose screening test (untuk check kandungan gula didalam darah, dikhuatiri menghidap gestational diabetes iaitu masalah kencing manis yang didapati semasa mengandung). According to the nurse at the small private clinic, the reading should be lower that 6.5 but mine was 7.6 Tapi menurut Dr Siti Esah pula, as long as its lower than 7.8 its good. Nak tak nak terpaksa pula saya lakukan BSP check di klinik tersebut sebelum the next antenatal check up =.= Well, but no harm in being cautious right.
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Bagi saya, Dr. Siti Esah Bahari ini adalah seorang gynae yang baik dan tenang. Malah kita boleh bertanya apa sahaja (walaupun benda merepek) dan dia akan menjawabnya dengan senyuman.
Reviewer profile
saya decide untuk rujuk ke Dr. Siti Esah Bahari. Review tentang dia pun bagus. Then.. dlm tengah hari.. bertemankan mak, ayah dan Aszra..saya pun gi sana. Ayah Aszra kena gi kerja.. tak apa...next check up ok. Aszra teman saya masuk... Alhamdulillah berjalan lancar..Dr Siti Esah ni, lemah lembut org nya. Teringat lak kat Dr Suriati. Ikut scan dia.. kandungan saya dah cecah 9 bulan. Pastu dia check kat perut, kepala baby dah masuk ke laluan...huhuhuh....Dr kata dalam 2-3 minggu insyaAllah bersalin la saya... tiba2 rasa ngeri. My next appointment on 16 Januari....