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CK Siew Architect

Claim business

CK Siew Architect is located in Puchong, Kuala Lumpur. Any enquiry related to architectual design, you can contact them at 60380711629

Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Reliable
  • Value of Money
  • Availability

Highly recommended for those who really work as a professional architect, not a place to play play and mingle with staff about friendship. Very strict in discipline . Good thing is work life balance no need work OT. But formal attire , not everyone can adapt because of youngster not serious attitude.

Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Reliable
  • Value of Money
  • Availability

Very good place to work. No need overtime. But office very professional in style and many project to choose. Is a work life balance company. But some staff is rejected during probation because of lack of professionalism
