City-Link Express Kulai business logo picture

City-Link Express Kulai

Claim business

Your Trusted Delivery Partner – First Mile & Last Mile Delivery In today's society, transportation or ‘Logistic Management’ as it popularly called; is to solve complex transportation issues by providing consultation along with pick-up and delivery services to ensure your goods reach its intended destination on schedule and in good condition. 

Service /Price Details

In short... Let us do the heavy lifting! City-Link Express understand logistics. With are over 40 years of experience, we gladly share our expertise and learning's to assist you, our valued customer with all your courier and logistics needs. It is through this relationship we better understand all your needs so that we can custom-fit our services to serve you better.

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Barang saya dlm sistem sudh diterima, tapi ta sampai pun dekat tangan saya sendiri? Sapa nak bertanggungjawab? Pertama kali guna City link mmg servis teruk, call hq tak berangkat

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

APA Ni hub kt Damansara delivery kt ampang tunggu dah 5 Hari ahad cuti K tunggu isnin smpai pukul 7 dah ni
