Caring Confinement Centre 关怀坐月中心 business logo picture

Caring Confinement Centre 关怀坐月中心

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本中心也是全马首间及唯一一间拥有妇产专科医生24小时候诊服务的护理中心, The only centre in Malaysia with a 24 hours on call O & G specialsist. We promise to provide you and your babies with the best care. Our centre is fully air-conditioned for mothers’ and babies’ comfort and 24 hours CCTV monitoring.

Service /Price Details

服务/ Services
• 24 小时 妇产专科医生与高级护士候诊
24 hours O&G Consultant & Senior registered nurse midwife on-call.
• 免费每周妇产专科医生/高级护士检查产妇与婴儿
Free weekly Mother & Baby examination by O & G Specialist/ Senior SRN midwife.
• 免费哺乳咨询护士教导产妇正确的哺乳方式 (我们提倡喂母乳)
Free lactation counseling by qualified lactation nurse. (We encourage breast feeding)
• 会阴特别护理 Special Perineal Care
• 每天五餐包括药材汤(由合格中医师调配) 5 meals per day including Chinese herbal soup (sourced from qualified Chinese practioner).
• 免费无限量提供婴儿奶粉与产妇奶粉(我们提倡喂母乳)Unlimited free supply of infant formula and mothers’ dairy supplement.(We encourage breast feeding)
• 提供产妇与婴儿衣服 Mother & Baby Clothes provided during the stay
• 五星级酒店护背床褥 5 Star Hotel Slumberland mattress
• 免费无线上网和 42寸可上网LED电视 Free WiFi & 42 inches internet LED TV
• 24小时CCTV保安系统和保安人员
24 hours CCTV monitoring with security guards
• 全部单人套房 All Single room only
• 全部华裔专业月嫂 All Chinese confinement lady/ nanny
• 月嫂上门陪月服务 Home confinement service
• 照顾1– 6月宝宝(日/夜/度假期间短期照顾) Nursery/ Daycare for 1 to 6 months old baby and when you are on holidays for few days.
• 自取陪月餐(至少2个星期) Self-pick up confinement meal (minimal 2weeks).
• 传统按摩(自费)Traditional massage (self-pay)
• 没有消费税 No GST

Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
I chose here for my confinement due to a recommendation from a colleague who stayed here before as well. Yes, am satisfied with the services here. Firstly, the lady boss Madam Yun is friendly and helpful who is always smiley and cheerful with the mummies. Besides, my baby was well taken care by the aunties so I can rest well without worrying. Oh ya, they have a skilful chef who is preparing delicious yet healthy food for the mummies. I will recommend to my friends and come again for my another coming baby
Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Thank you, Dr n all d aunties in d centre. . . It's great that me and my baby are well taken care of while I'm recovering with good rest n good food...Thank you very much...