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Aunty Sabrina

Claim business

I am a proud mother of 3 grown children. I have over 10 years of experience providing confinement services to over 80 babies in Singapore, Malaysia, and even in USA. My love for all  babies and my patient nature spurred me to enter this line of work. I have ample experience and lessons in traditional Chinese herbal cooking, handed down from generations of women in my family. Many have benefited from my confinement services and I hope to share my knowledge and love with more new mothers and babies. !

Singapore : +65 81055776

Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Hi Mummies, I have a good confinement lady to recommend. Her name is Aunty Sabrina who is currently booked till end 2012. She is still doing my confinement now and her last day will be 1 June 2012. She is very chatty and friendly, clean and neat, can take my baby's american timing well, cooks good food and is very motherly towards me. Her EQ is very strong and knows how to stay happy during the 28 day stay, so that she can pass her happiness to the baby. Overall, I'm happy with her confinement service.
Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
I am still doing my confinement and I would like to recomend my CL to you. I call her Aunty Sabrina. Her Singapore number is 65 81055776 and her malaysia number is 60 164681225. However, if you all would like to meet her, you can pop over my place to meet to her. Let us see if we can arrange anything, just email me at She is leaving Singapore this coming Monday. Nonetheless do not worry, she is here pretty often. That also mean, you may wish to book her as early as you wish, she can be pretty booked.