Aunty Ling's Confinement Centre business logo picture

Aunty Ling's Confinement Centre

Claim business

Our Centre is registered with Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia with license to provide nursing services. Our team are of experienced nannies who provide 24 hours services to mummies and babies.

Our Centre practice modern and traditional (charcoal stove) nutritious way of food preparation with chinese herbs, fresh fish, kampung chicken (female), pork meat, vegetables and 100% pure sesame oil so as to provide the best possible quality foods during the confinement period and to enhance the body 'chi' back to health.

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Is not only 5star service, is more than extra miles that givens n heart caring. Thanks with a million from my button heart n my family members!
Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Highly recommended especially for those who non local and nobody can assist during confinement first time to be parent, this is the place where you can feel like a real home and knowledgeable many love from aunty ling.i really appreciate and feel bless to have my confinement over there, more important is I getting to know aunty ling.