Airpak Express SKUDAI business logo picture

Airpak Express SKUDAI

Claim business

Service /Price Details

Shipment design for heavy and bulky shipment to suit clients requirement.


International Courier
International Express Document and Parcel within one to three days.


Free Domicile
International shipment Door to Door.


Local Courier
Local Deliveries for AD Hoc and Contract Services.


International Handcarry
International Destinations Same Day deliveries.


E-Commerce Logistics Services
E-Commerce warehouse Fulfilment & X-Border deliveries solutions.


Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Macam tak jawab..cek traking barang dh sampai 3 hari dkt airpak senawang...sekali pergi tutup...dh bangkrap ke ape ni..

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Airpak/BBB servis mcm haram jadah..selagi annie yg pgang top management utk hub sitiawan mmg jahanam la company korg..dgn servis delivery lambat,PR out,gaji staf pun liat nk bayar..bila mtk direct dia jwb ptg la,esok la,lusa la..last2 smpai ke sudah x bayo..kalo staf wasap mtk gaji dia blnje bluetick je..hrp muke je lawa tp penipu..dah la customer asyk kne tipu dgn ko,ni dgn staf pun ko nk tipu jgk ke??pundey la u annie..
