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TH Travel & Services Kuching

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TH Travel & Services is a Tour Agency owned by bumiputra. Find out more about them and their contact details here.

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Alhamdullillah, saya, suami dan anak saudara telah menjalani ibadah umrah pada 19hb Mac - 25 hb 2017. Perkhidmatan yg diberikan oleh pihak Tabung Haji Travel memang terbaik. Terima kasih juga diberikan kepada ustaz Mohh Hisham Sulaiman yg sabar dengan karenah kami.
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Strongly recommended. Especially for 1st timer going to do umrah or hajj. I was on the umrah trip last Dec 2017. It was superb! The services that me and my family recieved were worth every penny. The mutawwif was excellent. Really helpful and entertained too. Never got bored in bus or during ziarah. Even gave us tazkirah and stories related to sirah Nabawiyyah. Got to mention his name here; Ustaz Mujib and our Guru Agama that time, Ustaz Shafie.Thank you THTS for the excellent services during our stay and till we going home. Till the next visit.Need to collect money again then i'll contact ur agent.