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Maple Florist


Online florist Johor Bahru! we makes it easy to send flowers whole of Malaysia, surprise your beloved by sending their choice of roses, tulips, carnations, gerberas, lilies, orchids, ecuador roses, cymbidium orchid, protea, calla lily, china roses, stargazers or other import flowers. Celebrate any occasion with fresh flowers from us, you will find only the highest quality, stylish with fresh flowers arrangements and hand bouquet for Valentine’s day, Mother’s day, Father’s day, birthday and anniversary floral arrangement.

We provide same day flowers and gifts delivery to Malaysia which included flowers bouquet, birthday cake delivery, fruit basket, artificial flowers, Hari Raya hamper, Chinese New Year hampers, congratulations flowers and sympathy flowers, for condolences flowers, our florist team of experienced sympathy advisors are ready to serve you at +6017-768-2347 (whatsapp, LINE, Viber), we can help you to make the right choice, flowers delivery to Malaysia has never been so easy ever before.

Our online flowers store make it easy and convenient to order and send flowers to someone in Malaysia.

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