Dr. Rohaini Md Jonit


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Had removal of my uterus, ovaries and cervix due to Adenomyosis by Dr Rohaini. Very friendly and patiently answer all our questions. Her experience and skills made u feel calm and confident. Her team of nurses were all awesome too. We definitely recommend anyone who has problems with reproductive system to consult her at Columbia Asia Hospital Iskandar Puteri.

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Definitely worth it..My first and second child experience both with her..seriously no trauma whatsoever...both normal delivery...her team definitely the best, especially for the positive vibe before during and after delivery. Just the looooooong que may make u ponder a lil bit but, well it still worth it.

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Lepas buat survey, tanya kawan-kawan dan berbincang dengan suami, kak yong akhirnya memilih untuk bersalin di Hospital Columbia Asia, Nusajaya. Sebab utama, ada doktor perempuan yang bernama Dr. Rohaini Md. Jonit dan sebab kedua, harganya masih reasonable. Untuk bersalin normal tanpa komplikasi dalam RM2800-RM3800. Lepas scan baby, doktor tanya ada apa-apa tak nak tanya dia. Soalan pertama kak yong tanya, "Doktor, kat sini support natural birth ke atau nak gunting je." Tersenyum doktor tu dengan kak yong. Alhamdulillah, jawapan dia melegakan hati kak yong. Dr. Rohaini dan team beliau support natural birth. Penjelasan dia, sama macam doktor masa rawat kak yong di Jepun, kelahiran pertama ada 80% untuk digunting berbanding hanya 5% pada kelahiran berikutnya. Team beliau juga support breastfeeding. Jadi, kak yong rasa insyaAllah pilihan kali ini tidak salah dan semoga dipermudahkan kelahiran ketiga ini. Kak yong memang recommend pergi jumpa beliau. Beliau juga ada buat kelas untuk parents yang baru. Maklumat lanjut mungkin boleh tengok di website atau call saja. Kalau call pun staff memang sangat membantu

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Hi, i just gave birth early this yeat with dr rohaini from colombia asia nusajaya johor.. will recommend anyone who want a muslim-female gynae.. she's a very nice lady, soft spoken, encourage her patient to have normal delivery, always believe in her patient that she able to go through normal delivery, very helpful with all your queries, she will answer all your Qs during consultation, her consultation charge as below as rm70, sometimes she give lots of disc in her price too :) will definitely recommend dr rohani md jonit from colombia asia nusajaya johor

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Hi, i just gave birth early this yeat with dr rohaini from colombia asia nusajaya johor.. will recommend anyone who want a muslim female gynae.. shes a very nice lady, soft spoken, encourage her patient to have normal delivery, always believe in her patient that she able to go through normal delivery, very helpful with all your queries, she will answer all your Qs during consultation, her consultation charge as below as rm70, sometimes she give lots of disc in her price too will definitely recommend dr rohani md jonit from colombia asia nusajaya johor