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Dr. Maziah Ahmad Mahidin

Reviewer profile
Kami pilih Dr Maziah sbb beliau satu2nya gynae perempuan dan Islam in DSH. Please don't get me wrong, I am not against male gynae atau sebagainya. In fact Hani disambut oleh doktor lelaki keturunan mamak dan hana pulak dgn doktor perempuan India. I have no problem at all dgn gynae lelaki or non-muslim. Tapi sbb bila tgk pic Dr. Maziah ni kat website, terasa beliau sgt motherly dan lemah lembut gitu.
Reviewer profile
She was the only female muslim gynae at damansara specialist. She was okay. But the queue was tremendous. I like to go on Saturday for checkups so that I could go with my hubby. Saturday has always been a busy day. Too many patients, you would have to wait for hours. Since she has so many patients, she didnt recognize me. Even on my third visit she did say 'First time datang ke?' while flipping my record and saw her prevoius records on me. Adeh.. You have to ask her a lot of question coz she wont explain much. I didnt have much problem with my first pregnancy, so my visit with her always end in 10 to 15 minutes including the scan. Charges: Consultation: RM80, Scan: RM100, Total: RM180