City-Link Express Nilai business logo picture

City-Link Express Nilai

Claim business

Ship your parcels and documents with City-Link Express Malaysia today! With our varieties of courier delivery services, we believe we can fulfill your shipping needs. 

From tracking your parcel easily, checking postage rates with our rate calculator, managing pickups and delivery to many other courier services that are very useful to help you complete your shipments with ease and zero hassle.

Service /Price Details


  • Courier Services
  • Air& Sea Freight
  • Shipping to East Malaysia
  • Collaboration Program
  • Reseller& Agent
Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Barang saya dlm sistem sudh diterima, tapi ta sampai pun dekat tangan saya sendiri? Sapa nak bertanggungjawab? Pertama kali guna City link mmg servis teruk, call hq tak berangkat

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

APA Ni hub kt Damansara delivery kt ampang tunggu dah 5 Hari ahad cuti K tunggu isnin smpai pukul 7 dah ni
