Dr. Noor Fidak Samsudin


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Attend dr.fidak mase die visit dr di GMC @ 2014. sgt motherly. Alhamdulillah dpt vbac with gentlebbirth..very recomended

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An experienced and motherly doctor. Her cosultation fee is reasonable and such a patient doctor to answer every single questions and doubts I had on my first pregnancy. Met her at both Pusrawi and Tropicana Medical Centre. Such a long wait time at Pusrawi even though with appointments but lesser wait time at TMC

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Sue memilih Dr Noor Fidak untuk merawat sue sepanjang 9 bulan hamil. Alhamdulillah, sue sangat selesa dengan beliau. Dr Fidak ni baik orangnya. Bila nasihat kat patient dia, macam mak2 nasihat kat kita. Cakap lemah lembut, bertoleransi dan selalu cakap benda2 yg positif pada patient beliau. Sebelum bersalin sue ada berbincang Birth Plan dengan Dr Fidak. Dia teliti one by one birth plan yg sue dah siap print. Siap tanda lagi dan bagi komen yg mana dia setuju dan yg mana dia rasa susah nak setuju sebab terikat dengan SOP Hospital Tropicana. Tak pelah, sue pun faham. Fikir positif je. Untuk pengetahuan u olls klinik Dr Fidak ni sentiasa penuh. Selalu sue buat temujanji malam, kes nak ajak hubby teman sekali...jenuh juga la menunggu turn. Kadang sampai pukul 10pm baru settle urusan semua. Huh letih tunggu turn..anak2 siap tertido kekadang tu. Berapa kos bersalin di Hospital Tropicana? Ini sue cerita berdasarkan pengalaman sue ye. Mungkin berbeza dengan orang lain. Berikut sue senaraikan harga : Konsultasi doktor - RM35, Scan perut - RM50 Test air kencing - RM6 Rekod rawatan - RM5 Total semua: RM96
Reviewer profile
We decided to meet up with Dr. Noor Fidak Samsuddin on the 13th August in Tropicana Medical Center (TMC). Dr. Fidaak is highly recommended by the members of Gentle Birth Group on Facebook especially my birth instructor, Sis Nadine Ghows. She handles her patients not only in Tropicana Medical Center, but also in Pusrawi Hospital and Gombak Medical Center. She is known to be pro-gentle birthing as my previous Gynae, she is very strict follow the book kind of doctor. Dr. Fidak was at Pusrawi before attending us and I got to see her an hour after my initial appointment. My first impression of Dr Fidak is very good. She reminds me so much of my mother-in-law, so motherly, so welcoming and so warmth. She personally asked me to see her next month, setting the appointment herself which I was surprised as compared to to Dr. Fatima. She took her time doing the 2D scanning - explaining what we see and luckily, little munchkin was not covering his/her face. However, I totally forgot to ask her print out the 3d scan of his/her face.
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Tunggu punya tunggu sampai sudah nombor giliran utk berjumpa doktor pakar yang diberi nama Dr. Noor Fidak :) Senyuman manis dan huluran salaman yang diberikan oleh doktor membuatkan daku terpegun, bukan apa. Muka doktor yang sejuk dan penuh sifat keibuan membuat daku x tahu nak ckp apa2...masyaAllah. Soalan pertama doktor kepada daku ialah Berapa lama sudah berkahwin? Kekekkekkeeke pandai doktor nih tahu daku panik sbb 1st time nak citer pun segan. So, bermulalah episod kenal mengenali. Eheheh hubby tersenyum2 sipu je dekat doktor...ahahhaha tawu dah dia pun malu nak citer hal2 pompuan kan.