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since Mr. X dah proposed, sepantas kilat saya yg dah ada all the plans and lists in my otak and folder wedding kat desktop mula menelefon individu itu. for tunang, i always wanted liza (assistant saidatul nisa) to make up. dia punye make up mmg cantik. very hard to jumpe in the internet sebab dia takde fotopages nor any webpage. saidatul nisa and sue cantik saya reserve untuk wedding nanti. ok tak? ;) of course, budget wise... kak sai and sue skrg dah rm1k per session! liza punye makeup service pun doesn't come that cheap tapi still affordable and sesuai la budgetnye dgn engagement. saye tak kisah, saye sgt suka make up dia. hope mine will turns out well too! so, saye dah call kak liza! dah block date! yeay!!!!!