Klinik Kesihatan Nangka Lotong, Kudat


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Patient A with his guardian,with emergency case,

Went to the house nurse around 5am, his guardian already knock the door a few times but still not responded,so the guardian decide to honk the motor,

A few minute ago,the nurse open the door and yell to the guardian "Don't honk your motor!! My child is still sleeping!!!..and the guardian told the nurse that already knock the door a few times,but nurse still angry.

Do you think the baby sleeping is more important than lives someone??

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Service and facilities in Klinik Kesihatan Nangka Lotong, Kudat is quite good. Almost free for Malaysian. Recommeded!
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Klinik Kesihatan Nangka Lotong, Kudat bring convenients to residents around. Although we have to wait for hours to get our turn, it do save us a lot of money