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We had Houman over this morning for our Brownie (4.5 months, rescued mixed breed) who had a nipping problem & a bully-the-'sister' issue. It's now been 4 hours and Brownie remains a changed dog What's great about Houman is he teaches us 'how to do it' so we can continue to have the calm, loving dog that we dreamed off. We've realised that while we can read all the guides & ask advise from friends, nothing beats having a real trainer teach you hands-on. Thank you so very much.
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Superb! Genuine dog lover with intention to get more people to understand and treat dogs with the proper attention they deserve. We have 5 dogs ( 3 outside and 2 indoors). He (Houman) took the time to understand each of our dogs and what we wanted to achieve from the training. From there he started showing us how to solve the problems each dog at a time. Sorting us together with the dog , one at a time until we were satisfied. From there he even showed us how to interact with all our 3 dogs at a time. We learnt so much and now have the respect of the dogs. They know who is incharge and stopped misbehaving. Even my 6 yr old daughter was able to command / handle the big dogs. Wanna know more? Then do give Houman a call. It's well worth every cent paid ! I can't thank him enough!
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I used to have trouble walking my dog Jon Terry at Desa Park city as he would be tugging at the leash all the time and it was a stressful time for me. After joining Happy Dogs dog walking workshop, I learned how to walk my dog with the correct method and of all I learn to relax and enjoy our walk at the park. I'm pretty amazed that Jon Terry could actually walk 2 rounds without stopping about to sniff or tugging against the leash!! Thank you to Houman for your help and advise of "never give up and in to your dog" and May Kuen for your helpful tips. Both of you are just great!! Thumbs up for Happy Dogs
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Houman is the first Dog Trainer has the passion and drive to teach furkids and owner. I have 2 Pomeranian which giving me the hardest time when taking to a crowded area like Desa Park city and SS2 Mall. Nicky boy who is very protective over me and Suki girl. Anyone own try to carry or disturb, he will bite your leg from behind without a sound. For Suki is different, she know is is smaller and people then to give in to her including myself. Each time i take her out, if the people want to carry her or dog chasing her, she will run to my leg and scratch until she get my attention and carry her. That why i avoild attention any function which have alot of dogs and people around. Houman ask me bring your dogs over and i will teach them. So i did, OMG for about 30 mins, both of them change and i was able to walk around freely without worrying them. He give good advise and he really connect to the dogs and owner. Even now, i able to control them in the car. Thank you so much Houman!!!!
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To be honest, I was a little sceptical about bringing my dog to Houman for training. Lucy was a bona fide scardy cat. Whenever I took her out for walks or to dog friendly parks she would have these 'panic attacks' and refuse to budge anywhere. Also, no one could touch her. If she didn't know a person she would never go near them. Should they reach out to pet her, she would shrink away like a mimosa plant. I thought she would grow out of it, seeing as she was a little puppy when these behaviours started. But now at the age of 11 months and weighing 24 kilos it was getting harder to manage her whenever we went out. Not only that, my family ad I were beginning to get frustrated. We had a beautiful, sweet, loving dog that we couldn't share with the world. It was sad, really. When Houman first stepped in, I was very apprehensive. I didn't know what to really expect. He took Lucy around and spent some time getting to know her. After some time, he came back to me and said 2 things that I cannot and probably will never forget. Firstly, he said Lucy has no problem. She is hyperactive and spoilt. Turns out it was mostly my influence on her that had her behaving like that. I di not assert myself as her owner but instead treated her like a little baby. AND I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT! I had walked in thinking that it was my dog who was going to be trained. I didn't expect to be given some training myself. I was taught how to speak, the right tone to use with Lucy, and how to lead her around in such a way that boosted our confidence in each other. It was a very unique experience indeed. True enough, several hours later I started to see improvement. By the end of the day, Lucy allowed people to pet her, feed her and take her for walks. It was an amazing transformation. Needless to say, I am very happy with my decision to consult Happy Dogs for training. And I would recommend it to anyone out there who wants to get their dog trained.