Dr. Aizura Syafinaz Ahmad Adlan


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I accidentally found her online because I was researching about a new treatment called MR Guided Focused Ultrasound to treat uterine fibroid. I was hoping she could refer me to the specialist Professor Dr. Basri Johan Jeet Abdullah. He is a Professor at the Department of Biomedical Imaging, University of Malaya and Consultant Radiologist at the Biomedical Imaging Unit, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. But as it turns out, while waiting for her during our appointment, she had to cancelled due to an emergency case. I didn't reschedule for appointment after that.
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Bila dipanggil, yes doktor ni nampak baik dan straight jugak laa. Cerita dari awal macam mana dapat detect, then dia suruh aku baring dan check bahagian bawah. Aku kena buat ct scan lagi, check urine test. Nasihat aq, korang cerita je apa korang rasa. Jangan Malu. Ni bidang dia, kalau tak buat apa dia jadi doktor pakar kan?