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Wellcare Clinic

Reviewer profile

I was feeling breathless and wanted to vomit. At the clinic, after checking that my BP was high and oxygen level was low, Dr Lim Ee Nee quickly came over. I also told her that I didn't sleep a wink last night. She asked if I wanted some oxygen intake to boost the level up and to rest for a while at the clinic. I declined and asked if I could make the journey back to SG safely without any complication. I'm surprised that she didn't charge me anything for consultation! Thank you for your generosity.

Reviewer profile

我是一位云顶员工。那个医生ng chee meng太不专业了。一进门就用很不好的语气问我哪里不舒服。好像我故意要打扰他睡觉似的。我没说的他也不主动检查。我过后补充一句我好像有发烧,他就不耐烦的问我可以一次过告诉我吗?
