Tadika Ppkk Seri Bijak Bistari business logo picture

Tadika Ppkk Seri Bijak Bistari

Claim business
Tadika Ppkk Seri Bijak Bistari is registered with MoE Malaysia. Visit them in Melaka Tengah or call them at 60167237618 for any question related to their offer.
Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Tadika Ppkk Seri Bijak Bistari is a private kindergarten that is registered under the pre-school category with Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability

cikgu lain juga bersalah...cikgu lain hanya melihat sahaja...bersubahat jenayah dera..itu yang berlaku ogos 2018, mcm mane januari dan lain2 bulan?
