Pertubuhan Kebajikan Pushpanesam business logo picture

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Pushpanesam

Claim business

Puspanesam Home, or Pertubuhan Kebajikan Puspanesam, was registered as a charity home in 2004 by Devanasam David John, 58, a single lady with a big heart for children in need. The shelter started with only three children and went on to accept more who were orphaned and those of single parents who cannot take care of them because of full-time jobs. Her name, Devanasam, translates as “God’s Love” in Tamil and the shelter is named Puspanesam, which has a simple logo of a flower (puspa) set within a heart shape (to represent love).

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Our needs

Volunteers for teaching/socialising with the children as well as gotong-royong. Needs help i.e. furnishing (table, chairs for kids). Need a new home to accommodate an expanding family members. More information, please contact Mrs. Nesam.

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