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Dr Loh Khee Fei

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My sis 2 baby boy were delivered by Dr Loh via c-sect. He is experience but lack of communication as he seldom talk.
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He has been my OB and I am due in about 7 weeks. I've told him I want a normal delivery but I have never found anyone who a Normal delivery with him. Everyone has gone through c-sect. The way things are going, it's pointing to me being a candidate for normal delivery, I hope that it will go that way. Yeah, he doesn't talk much unless you ask him or when he talks, it's quite fast. He's only attending at either TMC or kelana jaya med ctre so it'll be too late for me to change doctors or hosp preference at the moment. I'm just making sure that everything will be okay. This is my first time and it's quite stressful just thinking of the upcoming delivery with all the procedures and the budget.