加影育華龍獅團 Yu Hua Dragon & Lion Dance Association-Kajang business logo picture

加影育華龍獅團 Yu Hua Dragon & Lion Dance Association-Kajang

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1996年, 育华五机构庆祝育华80周年纪念, 为育华中学发展基金和育华文化体育活动基金筹款. 与此同时, 五机构也组织了”育华文化体育理事会”, 成立了育华醒狮团。 育华醒狮团于1998年4月11日的点睛仪式后正式成立。 第一任主任为何运友先生, 教练是何业雄师傅。 狮团成立初期, 团员只有约15人, 都是在籍的育华中、小学的学生。团员在何师傅的悉心指导下,积极练习,并于翌年(1990年)农历新年初试蹄声,向公众贺岁,深获好评。 2000年, 李明全先生接任狮团主任, 狮团人数达35人, 狮团已可以自力更生,以团养团,不需基金资助。 2001年,团员的狮艺已有显著的进步,可以在高桩上作高难度的惊险表演。 2004年,李亚雄先生接任主任,资深团员曾桂威升任助教,狮团的组织更趋完善,团员增加到42人,曾受邀到五星级酒店和购物广场中心表演。 2005年的农历新年,醒狮团分成两队出狮贺岁,为育华中学扩建筹款,在社会人士大力支持下,筹款三万令吉(一间教室)献母校。 2006年,醒狮团继续为育中扩建筹款,并再次成功筹获二万令吉。醒狮团团员这种苦练技艺,筹款捐校的精神,实属难能可贵,也可谓立下了”汗马功劳”,嬴得了校方与群众的赞许与美誉。 2007年, 柯建生接任主任一职,醒狮团继续茁壮成长。后柯因成立祥龙队而由李清福接任主任之职。技艺日渐成熟的醒狮团于2007年8月19日,参加了庆祝独立50周年纪念暨吧生旅游年所举办的”全国舞狮锦标赛”,成功在十七个参赛队伍中,突围而出,夺得第五名。 育华醒狮团成立的历史虽短,但是成长的过程相当快,这除了归功于团员的不屈不挠、勤于苦练的精神以外,也有赖于社会人士的大力支持。时至今日,醒狮团的设备日渐完善,团员们有更大的发挥空间,冀望未来,醒狮团的技艺更上一层楼,把醒狮艺术发扬光大的同时,亦为学校与社会做出更大的贡献。 加影育华醒狮团已有十三年历史。在这段时间里,我们不断提升狮艺水准及发扬道德观念。在此,本团希望有更多育华的青少年一同加入醒狮团,共同为狮艺和育华争光。

Yu Hua Lion Dance Club, Kajang, Selangor In 1998 (during the school 80th anniversary), Yu Hua 5 organizations have decided to form “Yu Hua Cultural & Sport Council” to promote Chinese Cultural Arts and Sports activities in school. It was then Lion Dance & 24 seasonal drums were selected by the council. Yu Hua Lion Dance team was officially formed on 11 April 1998. It was consisted of 15 members with Master He Ye Xiong as coach. He is still the club Chief Coach today. By 2000, the club has the ability to self-sponsor for the operation from the donations collected by their excellence performance in the public. In 2001, the club has reached a new milestone to introduce the “High Poles” 高桩. It has proven that they have reached a mastery level in the act of lion dance. In 2005 & 2006, the club had collected a donation of RM30,000 & RM20,000 respectively during Chinese New year for the school new 6 stories building fund. Today, we have >50 members from both SJKC Yu Hua & SM Yu Hua. Some graduates or alumni have continued staying with us to serve the club.

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