Kilogramme Eco Grocer Cluny Court business logo picture

Kilogramme Eco Grocer Cluny Court

Claim business

Kilogramme Eco Grocer Cluny Court is a Health food store.Call them at 65-88945461 for more details.

Service /Price Details

Opening Hours: Monday-Sunday 9am-7pm

Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

I hope you can make the service better. We were told somewhat aggressively that we would have to pay for any spills of the laundry detergent. Since we were first-time customers, it's likely that we missed the tiny signage asking for help. Please remember that not every customer is a repeat customer and try to be more amiable. Sadly, I had such a bad experience.

Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

I adore The Source so much! Having an environmentally friendly store in Singapore is a welcome change from regular stores that always want to stuff you with packaging. The snacks are seriously amazing, and there are great alternatives for baking supplies here in bulk (all the flours and nuts you can think)! Chocolate lovers, this is the place for you.
