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Rumah Perlindungan Sosial NCWO-YWCA

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The home only houses women, teenage girls and young children (boys and girls). They provide help on a sustained and temporary basis depending on the needs. The women there include single mothers, victims of domestic violence, unwed mothers, rape survivors, abused children and run-away teens.

Service /Price Details

Rumah Perlindungan Sosial also provides counselling to help them through their problems and at the same time empower these women to take control of their lives and learn to make right decisions in order to move on. For further details on the home you may contact Ms. Elizabeth Tan at 016-2943616.

We get jobs for the women who are able to work according to their skills, and school for their children. Currently we have children from age 1 to 17, and adults as old as 79.

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