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Pranic Healing Malaysia

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Pranic Healing Malaysia is established under the World Pranic Healing Foundation to promote a healthy living in Malaysia using the teachings and practices of Pranic Healing.

Service /Price Details

Pranic Healing is a no-touch, no-drug energy-based healing modality that uses, prana, chi or life force to improve a wide range of physical and psychological ailments.

Pranic Healing Malaysia is conducting regular Free Healing Sessions, Self Motivational Talks, Counselling Sessions and Psychotherapy for people in need. The Sessions are normally done at Pranic Healing Center in Kelana Jaya, Ipoh and Penang as well as other NGO and centers such as Tasputra Perkim and Cansurvive.

Besides such activities Pranic Healing Malaysia sponsors the needy to learn Pranic Healing and conduct programs to feed the hungry in Malaysia and other parts of the world.

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