Poliklinik Kepong Baru (Jalan Ambong Kiri Satu) business logo picture

Poliklinik Kepong Baru (Jalan Ambong Kiri Satu)

Reviewer profile

In 2017, Isabel, a 16 year old with headache Royal Infirmary and died from Meningitis. If Specialists , can wrongly diagnose a headache with lethal consequences, how much more a a country GP with much less experience, training and acumen. I listened to Dr Koh Kar Chai’s podcast on headache and have serious concerns as the diagnosis of headache is complicated and no one should try to save a few cents and end up like Isabel. It’s penny wise and pound foolish.

Reviewer profile
Poliklinik Kepong Baru is accepted by Perkeso as one of its panel clinics. You can visit them if you are covered by the Perkeso insurance.