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Dr. Lee Kim Siea

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The procedure itself was very tolerable (I elected only local anesthesia, no general.), was hospitalized only overnight, and the bruises were completely gone in three weeks. Six years later, my thighs are the same, my butt hasnt gotten any bigger, and my arms are still slender. I truly believe the liposuction permanently changed the parts of my body that bothered me, so it was definitely worth it to me.  The surgery was performed in Penang, Malaysia. My doctor was Mr. Lee Kim Siea at Loh Guan Lye Specialists Center. Hes still there, and was fantastic. Numerous western expat lady friends utilized his services with equally impressive results. I would highly recommend him. Best wishes with your decision.

Reviewer profile
Dr Lee has the finest hand with the gentlest heart for his patientespecially for first timer to aesthetic, you will love him